ARM Conference 2020 How Birth Works
Our first online conference was an inspirational day, brimming with ARM warmth and connection. Taking the conference online has meant delegates from around the world could attend, extending the reach of ARM’s philosophy and activism.
Soo Downe – Squaring the Circle
Soo Downe Professor of Midwifery at UCLAN chaired the event, paying tribute to the first ARM Vision for Midwifery Care as her inspiration and the second “New Vision” published in 2012. Soo briefly presented Squaring the Circle, which she edited in partnership with Sheena Byrom: a cutting-edge and comprehensive collection of the latest research and debate on normal childbirth.
Kemi Johnson. Failure to wait; The sabotage of perfectly good birthing
Kemi (‘birthkeeper’, birth consultant and independent midwife) describes how much intervention is caused by the failure to wait for labour to start and establish. She highlights the WHO guidance for normal labour and the evidence supporting membrane sweeps which should be considered a method of induction (Cochrane 2020).
Molly O’Brien Biomechanics
Molly O’Brien doesn’t believe in magical solutions to problems in labour; she believes in knowledge of anatomy and physiology and applying that knowledge to encourage uninterrupted biomechanical physiological labour.
Margaret Jowitt – Reflexes in the Second Stage
Margaret thinks that the prime function of the clitoris is actually at parturition, the back of the baby’s head triggers the birth ejection reflex leading to a huge burst of oxytocin and movement of the pelvis. Birth is designed to be orgasmic. Forward leaning positions are best for mother and baby, and birth in lithotomy is asking for trouble.
Gloria Esegbona The ART of Second Stage
Jim Thornton and speakers.The OASI care bundle
Jim Thornton critiques the OASI care bundle – clinical interventions not commensurate with midwifery philosophies of non-invasive, hands off, maternity care in labour. “Routine rectal examination in the presence of an intact perineum fails all the criteria of a useful screening test. Most midwives wisely don’t do it. Those that do, should stop”, says Jim.
Donations to ARM charity very welcome.