Association of Radical Midwives

Midwives Haven

Support for midwives in times of trouble

You are not alone!

Why Midwives Haven?

We believe that ARM midwives may be at risk of being investigated or subjected to “corrective” measures, due to having issues with the ever-increasing impetus to process women rather than establish relationships with them. Independent midwives have a high NMC referral rate, often as the result of speaking up for women’s rights and coming into conflict with protocol-driven mindsets. Many NHS midwives similarly find themselves at odds with the culture in which they work as a result of trying to negotiate unjustified protocols, the effects of staff shortages, and toxic work environments.

Who are we?


Our Aim

support midwives

You are not alone

Midwives are often made to feel isolated or outcast or that they are the only ones going through such difficulties but that is NOT true. Our quarterly column in Midwifery Matters tries to dispel this myth – unfortunately many fine midwives are investigated, disciplined, put on corrective “action plans”, sacked, or referred to the NMC. Our coming together to support each other, speak and write about these things, and share experiences can ameliorate feelings of isolation and self-blame.

Remember, even if you have made one or more of the errors you are under investigation for, you are NOT a pariah but a midwife who has been doing her best to provide good care. We ALL make errors as midwives and mistake-free midwifery is impossible. The pretence of the NMC, employers, and some midwives that a career of perfection in current circumstances is possible is harmful and immoral.



Midwifery Matters

The Midwives’ Haven Column

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