Why Midwives Haven?
Midwives Haven is a group of The Association of Radical Midwives that offers support for members who are experiencing bullying and harassment, undergoing investigation or disciplinary processes at local level, or who have been referred to The Nursing & Midwifery Council (NMC). ARM is committed to providing support for midwives and to build solidarity to help midwives who find themselves under attack.
Who are we?
We are not advisors – the unions (RCM, RCN and Unison) routinely state that they will not represent members who seek advice from anyone else. However the Human Rights Act 1998 Article 11 (Freedom of Association) protects your right to support and information, such as we offer.

Our Aim
Since its inception in 2017, Midwives Haven has been building knowledge and experience in these areas and, in the pages that follow, we have links and downloads that we hope will provide you with useful information and guidance.

You are not alone
Midwives are often made to feel isolated or outcast or that they are the only ones going through such difficulties but that is NOT true. Our quarterly column in Midwifery Matters tries to dispel this myth – unfortunately many fine midwives are investigated, disciplined, put on corrective “action plans”, sacked, or referred to the NMC. Our coming together to support each other, speak and write about these things, and share experiences can ameliorate feelings of isolation and self-blame.
Remember, even if you have made one or more of the errors you are under investigation for, you are NOT a pariah but a midwife who has been doing her best to provide good care. We ALL make errors as midwives and mistake-free midwifery is impossible. The pretence of the NMC, employers, and some midwives that a career of perfection in current circumstances is possible is harmful and immoral.
We lobby and campaign to improve workplace cultures, improve union representation, and improve NMC processes. We meet with the RCM, the NMC and the PSA (The Professional Standards Authority, which is the NMC’s own regulator) to discuss shortcomings, unfairnesses, inadequacies and possible improvements to the culture and processes midwives are subjected to. We speak at study days and conferences.
We work closely with NMC Watch, which supports both nurses and midwives undergoing the NMC Fitness to Practise process (see NMC referral page for further details).
The aim of the retreat is good company, rest and relaxation within the context of whatever is happening to us, rather than trying to forget about it.
Details are published on this website, on the ARM Facebook pages, and in Midwifery Matters. You can find out more by emailing support@midwifery.org.uk.
Midwifery Matters
The Midwives’ Haven Column
Midwives Haven has a regular column in Midwifery Matters. We are always looking for people to write about their experiences (anonymously or otherwise) or related issues, to help build insight and understanding about the use and abuse of professional discipline and regulation.
If you would like to tell your story or write about an aspect of these issues, please email magazine@midwifery.org.uk.
We fundraise to cover travel expenses and are also supported from ARM’s main funds.
The Midwives Haven Fund is called Theresa’s Fund, named, with her family’s permission, after a young newly-qualified midwife, Theresa Naish, who killed herself in 2009, when fearing referral to the NMC over the unavoidable death of a very premature baby. It turned out she had done nothing wrong but no-one reached out to reassure her. We believe that no midwife should feel so alone during dark times. You can read about Theresa here:
Midwife killed herself over baby death that wasn’t her fault | London Evening Standard
Midwife found hanged over baby death blame fears (telegraph.co.uk)
If you would like to make a donation to Theresa’s Fund, please use the form below. We try to run a fundraising stall at all ARM national events – please come and talk to us.