POSTPONED – Spring National Meeting 14th March 2020

by | 12 Mar, 2020 | ARM news, Events | 1 comment

It is with great regret that we have decided to postpone our Spring National Meeting in Stamford planned for Saturday 14th March 2020. Several of the speakers and quite a few of the participants understandably decided that they couldn’t risk travelling and had already cancelled. As we learned more about the importance of social distancing to limit the spread of COVID-19 it became obvious that it was not wise to go ahead with the meeting. We are very sorry for the inevitable disappointment but I’m sure you understand why we have taken this decision.

We will probably arrange for an online National Meeting to take place in the next couple of weeks – we have the technology, we have the capability and more importantly we have Linda Wylie who is one of the brains behind the Virtual International Day of the Midwife! So I’m sure we can sort something out.

Everyone who bought a ticket online will be contacted and will receive a refund.


1 Comment

  1. Diane Lockhart

    An online would be wonderful. I run a birth centre in a slum community in Uganda and provide home birth to expats who chose not to return to their home countries and I always miss oytvon all these great conferences. So I’m appreciative!

    My centre is on Facebook at Amani Family Centre


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