Midwifery Matters Spring 2021 Issue 168
Up Front
Quarterly round up of midwifery news and events
Occupations of birth space
Elizabeth Newnham
From medicalisation to humanisation of birth and death
Professor Lesley Page & Professor Celia Kitzinger
Michel Odent Q&A
Oli Silverwood-Cope
Does intrapartum CTG monitoring save lives?
Dr Kirsten Small, Professor Mary Sidebotham, Professor Emeritus Jenny Gamble & Professor Jennifer Fenwick
The Republic of Motherhood
Liz Berry
Tending the fire
Alison Arrowsmith
Student Focus
Get it right! UPRIGHT
Deepa Santhosh
Transforming student midwives’ confidence and knowledge about home birth
Sam Todd
First birth: homebirth
Zeynab Mujahid
Blether and Bosie
Marie Bucklegray
Pregnant in a pandemic
Emily Wood
Born at home
Josie Glausiez
Embracing the power of ‘and’
Alys Einion
Virtual conferences and social responsibility
Linda Wylie
The travesty of triage
Caroline Flint
The clitoris in birth
Margaret Jowitt
Media response to the Ockenden
Amity Reed
film, books
Paul Golden, Mavis Kirkham, Deborah Hughes, Zannah Kearns